Sustainability: Recycle Your Cleats

            The country of El Salvador is rich in culture, natural resources, and home to many of the worlds imports. However, due to historical ruptures infiltrated by the United States, El Salvador has been striving to economically recuperate what has been destroyed by the north. Furthermore, according to the World Resource Institue, the United States is a top contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change that affect the Global South detrimentally. Now with a president who does not believe in climate change, the responsibility to enforce change is more important now than ever. With El Salvador still struggling to come back from the traumas of the North, and global warming becoming increasingly and rapidly dangerous, it is important to contribute positively in any way we can. AFJA has created a sustainable program that empowers both Salvadorean and American groups by promoting the recycling of used or new cleats. By donating used cleats, a financial strain is lifted from families and children, and opportunities for children to participate in recreational activities becomes more possible and accessible. Not only does this also free-up space in peoples homes, but in doing so, providing an opportunity for children to participate without worrying about purchasing unaffordable cleats, and reduces the emissions released in travel and production of the items. These reasons contribute to a sustainability and relationship direly needed between the North and South, however most importantly giving children in El Salvador the same opportunities that are taken advantage of in the U.S.